Too much of a good thing brings productivity to a screeching halt!

By Maria Forbes
April 29, 2015



Leaders, I want you to know that Inertia is a primary cause of organizational stress! When the entire team is made up of professionals that are, conatively speaking, insistent organizers of sequential processes, progress can get stuck. The conative part of the mind is an instinctive or innate ability that drives natural problem solving action. These instinctive strengths will influence productivity in favor of your goals or against them, because it kicks into gear as we face challenge.
Why would the instinct to create sequential processes be such a problem? Doesn’t every organization benefit from this strength? Most definitely, but when there is dominance of a single approach to challenge, true and measureable results will be tough to achieve. A team that naturally plans and sequences activity, generates better and better plans, and the results, well, that’s the tough part.
A single approach to business operations and growth is a challenge that many business owners and leaders face, because they have a tendency to recognize strengths like their own, they look for people who do things like they do! Their teams may enjoy the camaraderie of like-mindedness, they may celebrate their common agendas and their collective expertise, but they won’t celebrate long term.
Leaders beware, this is not productive synergy. The inertia of one problem solving method prevents organizational excellence. It is important not to override differing approaches to challenge, as they can offer alternate perspectives, opportunities and innovations that would not easily be achieved by one common approach.


I feel like Rocky Balboa, one sales person expressed during our final group session! He was squirming in his seat with excitement that he had accomplished a series of activities that were in sync with his natural approach to challenge. Matching business development activities to each team member’s natural methods was critical to gaining sales momentum and ultimately to their long term success. The rest of the team was excited about their colleague’s renewed energy, and their own activities, in progress toward the shared revenue goal. Together we broke through the inertia of a single approach to challenge, a new business development goal, and prevented planning paralysis by detailing activities that were doable, influential and measurable. Each team member had their part in the shared vision for growth and they each worked their plan!
Consider the value of differing methods and break the monotony of a dominant approach; growth will happen!
Contact us at Firepower Teams for assistance in navigating the path!

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